Unbeknowst to me, the kids packed my Slapshot

and brought him to the wedding. I received Slapshot (the beanie bag penguin) from Lyden at Christmas ... it's a long story why. Because I am a good observer (or at least I thought I was) and have a good attention to detail, the kids thought it would be fun to display Slappy out in the open and take photos of him over the weekend. The home we stayed at was large and with all the chaos of all the family under one roof, I have to say, Slapshot went unnoticed by me! Rachel, Tyler, Lyden and Erin planted him in many locations amongst the house sometimes under my nose & I did not notice! They revealed Slapshot on our way out of the house, at which time I reclaimed him and took photos of our commute home.
Your pictures are wonderful, I really enjoyed them. There perfect. You are incredible. Your blog is amazing.
Hi Karen,
Just checking in ... seeing if you added any more pictures. I love your blog.
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