Jan 28 - my birthday ... as much as I like to avoid any spotlight on the fact that I'm another year old (and hopefully wiser), having my birthday land on a Sunday meant it was not going to pass quietly. Mom arrived in the afternoon and we started a rousing game of Rumoli with Lyden and Erin.
Rachel and Tyler baked a cake or more accurately, Tyler baked the cake (from scratch!) while Rachel did other errands (the dishes) and brought it over later in the afternoon, and joined the Rumoli game. Andy prepared a wonderful venison roast dinner (I helped with the yorkies). By the time Rachel brought the cake to the dining room table, the candles had melted down to short little stubs sitting in melted puddles of wax! Clearly we did not have enough candles on hand to represent 1 for every year of my short life, so instead, they came up with a clever idea, a mathematical equasion, ie: # x # which sum equalled my age. Very clever indeed....
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