Brynne and Poppie sharing some tender moments sitting in a coffee shop, after visiting the Museum of Vancouver. Brynne tries to deposit her shreddies into Poppie's caffe late cup and when that plan is foiled, lines them up in the crack between the tables. Poppie retrieves the shreddies and returns them to her and she lines them up again ... and Poppie's reward? A sweet kiss.
Sunday, 17 July 2011
Sunday, 12 June 2011
Brynne's 1st Year in Review
Monday, 6 June 2011
Gotta love her!
I am loving my time in Vancouver, spending lots of one-on-one time with my darling granddaughter, Brynne, who celebrated her first birthday on June 1st. When playing with one of her new birthday toys, I discovered much to her (and my) delight, that the Weebles fall out of the bus when you open the door. I couldn't wait until Rachel and Tyler came home to let them see and hear for themselves Brynne's laugh out loud reaction to our new "game", as captured in this short clip. It is sure to make you smile as well. :-)
Sunday, 8 May 2011
Monday, 25 April 2011
Easter Weekend ... it passed so quickly!
Time really does fly when you're having fun! Todd, Ruth and Cam arrived Thursday evening from Vernon (Todd & Ruth stayed with us and Cam was hosted by Erin & Lyden). Rachel, Tyler and Brynne arrived early Good Friday morning. Everyone got in on some "train" action, playing multiple games of Ticket to Ride (a highly addicting board game).
Saturday evening we celebrated my mom's 70th birthday (a couple of weeks early because she'll be vacationing in England on her actual birthday day);
Sunday, after church, we cooked up a big family Easter dinner...
and since Easter Sunday this year fell on Lyden's birthday, we celebrated his 24th birthday, as well!
Sunday, 20 March 2011
Monday, 14 February 2011
Saturday, 12 February 2011
Touring Vancouver's Chinatown with Sauyen
It was pouring rain, but that didn't stop us from touring Chinatown with our tour guide, Sauyen. We stopped for a traditional Hong Kong "mixed" coffee ... part coffee, part tea and milk at a bakery with a small restaurant in the back. While waiting for our table we viewed an array of baked goodies in the bakery. While we're always up for trying something new, we gave the "tuna fish danish" a pass (shown in the middle, top row of the last photo).
Friday, 11 February 2011
Wednesday, 9 February 2011
Play Time Mosaic - February 9, 2011
Sushi feast in Vancouver - Feb 9-11
Sauyen treated us to a lunch of delicious sushi today (thanks again Sauyen!) which was in part just an excuse to eat sushi (that is, if one actually needs an excuse) as well as recognizing and celebrating the 7th day of the Chinese New Year, which marks the day to celebrate "everyone's birthday". Sauyen, Andy and I shared the raw seafood sashimi and sushi, while Rachel opted for the vegetable sushi and Brynne happily amused herself by chewing on Sophie.
Tuesday, 1 February 2011
Friday, 28 January 2011
My girls - Jan 28, 2011

Sharing my daughter Rachel's post on facebook today:
"{I love} Fridays: all the homework, late nights, and stress of classes of the week has passed; it is a time to look forward to the week ahead, but most importantly, it's a day to cuddle, laugh with, dance with, read to, and stroll with the most excellent Miss Brynne without any distraction at all."
Can't tell you just how proud I am of Rachel (but I'll try): She's an excellent student (currently pursuing a Master's Degree in Christian Studies) while at the same time being a loving and attentive wife, capable, loving and confident new mother who makes time to care and share with her friends and family which is no small feat!