Celebrated Lyden today ... Andy and I took him shopping for his birthday gift; bought him a suit. And to complete Lyden's special day - a chocolate cherry Dairy Queen birthday cake and a game of Wizard!!
Picked up this Leap Frog table at a garage sale today ...
along with a few other items, including this cute puppet chick that quacks out "Old McDonald had a farm" tune.
... oh my, shopping for baby things at garage sales may very easily become a habit!! The countdown is on .... just 10 weeks to go until our sweet baby grand-daughter arrives!!
This past fall, my mother decided to take up painting as a hobby and she offered to do a painting for Andy's birthday. He gave her a photo of a totem pole that he had taken in Vancouver when we were there visiting Rachel and Tyler. Easter weekend he received his painting, which is proudly displayed on our living room wall. Mom, you did an awesome job!!