Both our children were hooked on harry Potter years ago and anxiously awaited the release of each new book. Andy, who rarely reads fiction, was bored one day so he pulled the first book off the shelf and started to read ... and read he did, at last count, he's read a total of 5 of the 7 books in a very short period of time. Now he is in the "inner circle" with the kids and their friends ... he can relate to all their wizardy references and share inside jokes. One day he sought Lyden's agreement:
Andy: "Hey Lyden, don't you think mom is a veela?"
Lyden: "Yep, but only 1/2 veela".
Me: "What's a veela? is that a good thing?"
Boys: "Oh you'll have to read the books to find out."
Needless to say I am feeling the odd man out but that said, I very much doubt I will take to reading to books myself!