Sunday, 25 November 2007

Christmas Tree Decorating

The Price family annual tradition continues ...whilst sipping on eggnog and Rachel and Tyler's Christmas CDs playing in the background (more to her liking than our Christmas CD collection), Erin unwrapped the ornaments and tossed them to Lyden, Rachel and Tyler while Andy and I watched on.

Lyden and Erin carefully arranged the nativity set.

Saturday, 24 November 2007

Decorating the House

Andy went hunting on Wednesday but came home Friday so we could spend at least one full weekend in the month of November together! After breakfast we decided to tackle decorating the house in preparation for Christmas.
After selecting a bunch of Christmas CDs to put us the Christmas spirit (after all, Christmas Eve is only a month away), we spent about 5 hours today preparing the house for Christmas.
Step #1: haul all 7 rubbermaid tubs upstairs and the tree;
Step #2: assemble tree;
Step #3: vacuum "fake snow" debris; return empty tree box to basement;
Step #4: apply greenery to banister; fix faulty lights and restring onto greenery; apply swag;
Step #5: put lights on tree;
Step #6: vacuum "fake snow" debris;
Step #7: apply swag to fireplace;
Step #8: unpack snowman collection;
Step #9: assemble snowmen in pleasing groups on fireplace bookcase;
Step #10: return rubbermaid tubs to basement.
Step #11: decorate wreath on front door;
Step #12: one last vacuum paying special attention to staircase to clean up greenery bits.
Step #13: relax!
While we set up the tree - I only went as far as to put on the lights. Price family tradition dictates "no grown ups allowed to decorate the tree", a tradition that our adult children enforce. While I decorated the banister with greenery, lights and sparkly swag Andy took on the task of arranging the snowman collection in the family room. He did an awesome job! He "mixed things up" this year by putting lights under some of the glass snowmen with glowing results.
Tomorrow afternoon the "kids" will decorate the tree.

My brother Scott is married in Thailand

It's official - my little brother Scott is married. He and his wife Mody met 2 years ago when she was here studying English - in a dog park. He went to Thailand last November to meet her family and a year later, flew back to make her his bride. Not sure how long the immigration process will take but we look forward to welcoming Mody into our family when she arrives.

Saturday, 10 November 2007

While the boys are away...

With the boys away hunting, Rachel and I planned to do some window shopping in Ingelwood today. We met for a hearty breakfast at 9am. Christine spent the night with Rachel so she joined us. Rachel was most interested in this cedar lined blanket box - the inside was immaculate, but the veneer was quite badly damaged on the sides. We found a few other blanket boxes as we scoured other stores & antique shops but at the end of the day we both went home empty handed.

The boys go hunting

It was a family hunting affair ... Tyler's first hunting trip out with Andy and Lyden. They got up early (3am) Friday morning and set off to the camp. Being the chef that he is, Andy took a small one for the tender meat (esp. seeing as there were no decent bucks in sight).

Saturday, 3 November 2007

Hunting Season

It's hunting season ... and that meant Andy and his hunting buddies were off this past Wed. night to take in the opening of deer hunting in the zone they hunt in south east Alberta. He came home empty handed (as he usually does opening weekend - wouldn't want to bag a deer too early in the season!) but his buddy Dave shot this 4x4 mule deer.
Lyden and Tyler are joing Andy & the boys in the hunt next weekend so Rachel and I are planning a "girl's day out" on Saturday.