Woke up 4:21 am Tues. morning to the familar "click, click, click" sound that usually signals the furnace coming on but it never kicked in ... it was non stop click, click, click". I mentioned it to Andy when his alarm went off at 5:30 - he went to the basement to investigate and pronounced a service call was definitely in order. Of all days, why this one, the big day had arrived! CREW Calgary's AGM for which I had been gearing up for weeks, pouring over & refining my speech, thinking through every possible contingency in the event the special resolution to amend the bylaws (which required 75% approval by the members) didn't fly. I decided to keep warm by working out and once 7:30 rolled around started calling around to get someone in to check the furnace out. No luck ... apparently our home was not the only one without heat! After booking an appointment for Wed. afternoon I headed off to work. Unfortunately, the new furnace will not be installed until Monday (Oct 22) so Andy built a fire tonight to take the chill off. Believe me, without any heat, getting out of bed this morning was particularly unappealling. I was snug as bug in bed, toasty warm with the quilt tucked up under my neck. The only thing cold was my nose! You know, I really couldn't tell any difference between the temperature in the kitchen and the fridge when I opened this morning! Ahh... but we're a hardy family and are taking this in stride!
Happily the AGM went off without a hitch. We had the exact number of proxies needed to augment the number of members in attendance to bring the vote to 75% of the members, all in favor of the amendment. The special resolution was approved! I cannot believe how quickly my presidency year has passed by - a strategic planning meeting is planned for mid November after which I move to "past president" role on the board.